There are two ways of constructing a software design: One way is to make it so simple that there are obviously no deficiencies and the other way is to make it so complicated that there are no obvious deficiencies.
— C.A.R. Hoare, The 1980 ACM Turing Award Lecture
The computing scientist’s main challenge is not to get confused by the complexities of his own making.
— E. W. Dijkstra
The cheapest, fastest, and most reliable components are those that aren’t there.
— Gordon Bell
One of my most productive days was throwing away 1000 lines of code.
— Ken Thompson
When in doubt, use brute force.
— Ken Thompson
Deleted code is debugged code.
— Jeff Sickel
Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it.
— Brian W. Kernighan and P. J. Plauger in The Elements of Programming Style.
The most effective debugging tool is still careful thought, coupled with judiciously placed print statements.
— Brian W. Kernighan, in the paper Unix for Beginners (1979)
Controlling complexity is the essence of computer programming.
— Brian Kernighan
Beauty is more important in computing than anywhere else in technology because software is so complicated. Beauty is the ultimate defence against complexity.
— David Gelernter
UNIX was not designed to stop its users from doing stupid things, as that would also stop them from doing clever things.
— Doug Gwyn
If you’re willing to restrict the flexibility of your approach, you can almost always do something better.
— John Carmack
And folks, let’s be honest. Sturgeon was an optimist. Way more than 90% of code is crap.
— viro []
A data structure is just a stupid programming language.
— R. Wm. Gosper
The essence of XML is this: the problem it solves is not hard, and it does not solve the problem well.
— Phil Wadler, POPL 2003
A program that produces incorrect results twice as fast is infinitely slower.
— John Osterhout
Life is too short to run proprietary software.
— Bdale Garbee
I had a nightmare once in which I a had convinced a friend how wonderful C++ is. A while later he came back., and he was mad.[sic]
— Robin Rosenberg []
XML is like violence: if it doesn’t solve your problem, you aren’t using enough of it.
— Heard from someone working at Microsoft
XML is like violence. Sure, it seems like a quick and easy solution at first, but then it spirals out of control into utter chaos.
— Sarkos in reddit
Threads [and] signals [are] a platform-dependant trail of misery, despair, horror and madness.
— Anthony Baxter []
All software sucks, be it open-source [or] proprietary. The only question is what can be done with particular instance of suckage, and that’s where having the source matters.
— viro []
Mathematicians stand on each others' shoulders and computer scientists stand on each others' toes.
— Richard Hamming
It’s not that Perl programmers are idiots, it’s that the language rewards idiotic behavior in a way that no other language or tool has ever done.
— Erik Naggum, comp.lang.lisp
Out-of-band == should be on a separate channel…
— Al Viro
It’s a curious thing about our industry: not only do we not learn from our mistakes, we also don’t learn from our successes.
— Keith Braithwaite
Ethernet always wins.
— Andy Bechtolsheim
The central enemy of reliability is complexity.
— Geer et al.
Simplicity is prerequisite for reliability.
— Edsger W. Dijkstra
Beware of “the real world”. A speaker’s appeal to it is always an invitation not to challenge his tacit assumptions.
— Edsger W. Dijkstra
Unix is a junk OS designed by a committee of PhDs.
— Dave Cutler
I’ve wondered whether Linux sysfs should be called syphilis
— forsyth
A program is portable to the extent that it can be easily moved to a new computing environment with much less effort than would be required to write it afresh.
— W. Stan Brown []
Programming graphics in X is like finding the square root of PI using Roman numerals.
— Henry Spencer
Forward thinking was just the thing that made Multics what it is today.
— Erik Quanstrom
- linux17
- Mini-proiectul de vineri16
- Gadget-uri15
- Imprimanta 3D15
- #ESP3213
- ESP3213
- Managementul proiectelor13
- Mestereala de luni13
- CNC11
- Calitate11
- Electronic basics11
- HomeAssistant11
- tutorial11
- C10
- Sursa de tensiune liniară (bazat pe LM317)10
- diverse10
- Quadcopter9
- embedded systems9
- Criptografie8
- Formule matematice8
- Raspberry Pi8
- istorie si filozofie8
- #3dprinting7
- #electronica7
- Bazele electronicii7
- Citate7
- Drone7
- Laser7
- Php7
- Review7
- electronice7
- formule7
- visual studio code7
- #arduino6
- 3D scanner6
- Cryptography6
- Design6
- Educatie6
- Filozofie6
- Ansi C5
- Computere5
- Flying drone5
- Modele Imprimanta 3D5
- bancuri5
- #HomeAssistant4
- #platformIO4
- C++4
- Grafica4
- Matematica4
- Rasberry PI OS4
- TED4
- armbian4
- automotive4
- bluetooth4
- muzica4
- politică4
- relay4
- releu4
- sisteme de operare4
- tinkerboard4
- #CNC3
- #DozatorHranaPesti3
- #ESP32CAM3
- #MQTT3
- Automatic house3
- Automobile autonome3
- Caricaturi3
- ESP32 CAM3
- Fițuici3
- Internet3
- Laser cutter3
- Mysql3
- Programming3
- Smart house3
- Tehnici de manipulare3
- Web3
- blackfriday3
- economie3
- muzica preferata3
- vacanta3
- #ATTiny852
- #Agility2
- #CheatSheets2
- #ProjectManagement2
- AI2
- ATTiny852
- App-uri2
- Audio2
- Automatizari2
- Bitcoin2
- Calendar2
- Code::Blocks2
- ComStack2
- Dear ImGUI2
- Dezvoltare personală2
- Energie2
- Ethernet2
- Fizica2
- Fusion3602
- G-Code2
- Git2
- HDD2
- Instagram2
- Inteligenta artificiala2
- LED2
- Linkuri utile2
- Motivationale2
- News2
- Open source2
- OpenMQTTGateway2
- Plastic2
- PlatformIO2
- Quotes2
- SPI2
- SSD2
- Telefon mobil2
- Utilitare unix2
- colinde2
- despre mine2
- linkuri electronica2
- modele 3D2
- optocuplor2
- process2
- project management2
- python2
- roboti2
- servomotor2
- vacante2
- #1
- #CSS1
- #C_Language1
- #HTML1
- #JavaScript1
- #PHP1
- #PIR1
- #PM1
- #PO1
- #SCAM1
- #internet1
- #servomoto1
- ATMega25601
- Agility1
- Airbag1
- Algoritm1
- Alimentație1
- Antivirus1
- Aspiratoare fără sac1
- Auxiliare1
- BME/BMP2801
- Bitdefender1
- Blog1
- Blowfish1
- Blue Monday1
- Business1
- Buzzer1
- C#1
- CAN1
- CDD1
- CNC shield1
- CRISPR-Cas91
- Calendar printabil1
- Carne albă1
- Caroserie1
- Carti1
- Case1
- Case inteligente1
- Cereale integrale1
- Circadian rhythm1
- Codificarea Huffman1
- Communication1
- Compilatoare1
- Complex device drivers1
- Compresia datelor1
- Contabilitatea1
- CryptoLib1
- Cryptocurrency1
- Cutter1
- Cybersecurity1
- Cyborgs1
- DEM1
- DHT111
- DSP1
- DTC1
- Dezvoltarea de software1
- Diagnostic event management1
- Dieta mediteraneană1
- DirectX1
- DozatorHranaPesti1
- ESP1
- ESP32 webserver1
- Editoare de cod1
- Education1
- Electricitate1
- Elon Musk1
- Error handling1
- Evolutie1
- Exercitii fizice1
- Extreme programming (XP)1
- Finance1
- Fizică1
- Fobii1
- Fotografii1
- FreeRTOS1
- GY-491
- Genetica1
- Geometrie1
- Glume1
- Google1
- GroundStudio Jade Nano+1
- Hardware1
- I2S1
- IT1
- Idei1
- Ierburi și condimente1
- Infrared1
- Intelepciune1
- Internet of things1
- Investiții1
- IoT1
- Istorie1
- Java1
- Java Script1
- Kalman Filter1
- LG1
- LLM1
- LM3171
- Large Language Models1
- Legea lui Benford1
- Legume și fructe1
- Leguminoase1
- Limbaje de programare1
- Limbajul Rust1
- MAX440091
- MFRC5221
- Manuale1
- Masina de insurubat1
- MathJax1
- Matrix1
- Mecanică1
- MemStack1
- MemoryStack1
- Mersul pe jos1
- Motoare căutare1
- Mărțișor1
- NE5551
- NFC - Near field communication1
- NVMe1
- Network1
- Network attached storage1
- Nod cravata1
- Nuci și semințe1
- Old Europe1
- OpenGL1
- Optimizare de cod1
- PC1
- PCIe1
- PHPMailer1
- PWM1
- Plotter1
- Post build1
- Potetiometru1
- Probing1
- Product manager1
- Product owner1
- Productivitate1
- Produse lactate1
- Programe informatice pentru contabilitate1
- Prosthesis1
- Prusa Slicer1
- RC41
- RF 433Mhz1
- RGB sensor1
- RNA1
- RSA1
- Radar1
- RaspberyPi1
- Real time operating systems1
- Reciclare1
- Religie1
- Rețele neuronale artificiale1
- Rețete1
- Robots1
- S081
- SEO Optimization1
- SHA2561
- Scanner1
- Scaune mașină1
- Security access1
- Self driving car1
- Sennheiser1
- Senzor de distanta digital Sharp GP2Y0D805Z0F1
- Sisteme Automotive1
- Source code1
- Space1
- Stocare1
- Suport rotativ1
- Systems thinking1
- Sănătate1
- TCS34721
- TLS1
- TSOP48381
- Tabele1
- Tabulator1
- Teatru radiofonic1
- Tehnologie1
- Teoria sistemelor1
- Titluri de stat Tezaur1
- Transformata Fourier1
- UDS1
- Ubuntu1
- Ulei de măsline1
- Unelte1
- Vaccinare COVID191
- Varza murata1
- Vin roșu1
- WSL1
- Wifi smart socket1
- Windows1
- an scolar1
- charger support1
- cumpărături1
- cygwin1
- deep sleep1
- desig1
- dotnet1
- emag1
- emag.ro1
- github1
- google search shortcuts1
- inginerie1
- jaluzea1
- lightbox1
- limba galeză1
- limba română1
- mecanica1
- mecatronică1
- micro LIDAR VL53L01XV21
- motoare de căutare1
- pagini web1
- philosophy1
- quote1
- regulator 5 V1
- rulou1
- search engines1
- senzor de umiditate1
- servomotors1
- shadowbox1
- slic3r1
- surse de alimentare1
- switch1
- system1
- sărbători legale1
- vinylcutter1
- wearable1
- ws28131
- Încălzirea globală1