AUTOSAR (9) - Error handling and Diagnostic event management

Error handling and Diagnostic event  management DEM

Diagnostic Event Manager (DEM) is an AUTOSAR component used for handling the Fault Memory in the ECU.
Diagnostic Event Manager (DEM) is an AUTOSAR component from system services, used for handling errors and fault memory in the ECU.
For this the DEM module offers means for:
  • Processing the errors, for this it offers various algorithms (debounce counter, time base) that can be used maturating/qualifying a component behavior as passed or failed
  • Storage of the Errors/DTC- Diagnostic Trouble codes in the nonvolatile memory
  • Storage of the “environment conditions” that lead to the error(freeze frames and extended data records) that can be used to better understand why the error occurred and to help reproduce it if needed.
  • Reporting of the DTC information to Dcm so that it can be passed to the tester, during service operation at the garage. 


  •  Diagnostic Monitor: “A diagnostic monitor is a routine entity determining the proper functionality of a component. This monitoring function identifies a specific fault type (e.g. short to ground, open load, etc.) for a monitoring path.“
  • Monitoring Paths: “A Monitoring Path represents the physical system or a circuit, that is being diagnosed (e.g. sensor input). Each monitoring path is associated to exactly one diagnostic event.“

DEM Event

  • A ‘Diagnostic Event’ defines the atomic unit that can be handled by the Dem module
  • The Dem receives the result(prePassed, preFailed, passed, failed) of a monitor from a SW-C, via the RTE, or from other BSW modules
  • Each Event is represented by a unique EventID and it's related EventName which is used to generate the so called "Symbolic Name" that abstracts the ID

DEM Event

Event DTCStatusByte

 The Status of a ‘Diagnostic Event’ represents the result of a monitor, and it is reflected in the DTCSatusByte. This is a bit packed byte of information used to determine the status of an event.

DTCStatusByte it is defined by ISO 14229 – 1 as: 


Diagnostic Trouble Code - DTC

Diagnostic Trouble Codes are used to encode following information about a failure:
  •  Component that is failing
  •  Group of the failure (Powertrain, Chassis, BodyGroup, Network Communication,..)
  •  Type of failure (shortcut to ground, plausability,..)

A Diagnostic Trouble Codes can be linked with:
  •  one event or
  •  more events – combined events
Note: information about the failures linked with events that are assigned to any DTC can not be
retrieved by Diagnostic Tool, these can be used only internally(use callbacks to take any action)
A DTC is defined by following basic properties:
  •  Identifier
  •  Type of storage (immediate or during shutdown)
  •  Place where it is stored - Memory Destination see later on
  •  DTC format

DTC - format

DTC - format

DTC formats according to standards:
  •  ISO 14229-1 (UDS)
  •  ISO 15031-6 (OBD)
  •  SAE J1939-73 (Serial Control and Communication Heavy Duty Vehicle Network)
  •  ISO 11992-4 (Interchange of digital information on electrical connections between towing and towed vehicles)


The DEM events and DTCs are saved in NVM memory and the destination memory types are:
Primary Error Memory
  • Customer/Project Specific e.g. Service/EndOfLine Fault  => Modules needs to be exchanged, vehicle needs to be fixed
Secondary Error Memory
  • AUTOSAR 4.0 concept - till Dem 4.x.0.15.0 release
    • Customer/Project Specific e.g. for “Debugging” Errors
  • AUTOSAR 4.2 concept - till Dem 4.x.0.16.0 release
    • User Defined Memories - configurable memories
Mirror Error Memory
  • Cleared Events will move from Primary/Secondary to Mirror Memory. Info can be used for later analysis of field returns.
Permanent Error Memory
  • OBD related, handling according legal requirement 
The DEM events and DTCs are saved in NVM memory and the destination memory types

Operation Cycle and Enable Condition Check

Operation Cycle check

  • Check if the Ecu is in the correct Operation Cycle for the Event
  •  e.g.: Only during the ignition cycle it is allowed to process the event so after Ignition Off the reports will be ignored.

Enable Condition Check

  • Check if the Event can be process according to its configured Enable conditions
  •    e.g. No other ECU DTC should be logged during under voltage…

Other DEM terms

Freeze frame    

 Freeze frame is defined as a record of data (DIDs/PIDs). Freeze frames are the same as SnapShotRecords in ISO 14229-1. 

Extended data record     

An extended data record is a record to store specific information assigned to a fault.


 A diagnostic monitor consists of one or more tests used to determine the proper functionality of a component. Alternatively the term “diagnostic function” can be used.

Operating cycle    

An ‘Operating cycle’ is the base of the event qualifying and also Dem scheduling (e.g. ignition key off-on cycles, driving cycles, etc.)

Event Aging

      Unlearning/deleting of a no longer failed event/DTC after a defined number of operation cycles from event memory.
Event Aging


     Switching off the warning indicator including the handling of reported passed results over a period of time / several operation cycles .

Event debouncing

      Debouncing is a specific mechanism (e.g. counter-based) to evaluate, if the diagnostic event gets qualified. This works on top of potential signal debouncing and can be done within the SW-C or inside the DEM.

Event qualification

      A diagnostic event is qualified in case of a passed or a failed result is set (Dem-internal or reported from another BSW module or SW-C).

Event confirmation

      A diagnostic event is confirmed in case of repeated detection of qualified events over cycles or time evaluated by means of fault confirmation counters. Therefore, also the UDS DTC Status bit 3 (ConfirmedDTC) is set.

Event memory overflow indication

      The event memory overflow indication indicates, if this specific event memory is full and the next event occurs to be stored in this event memory.

 AUTOSAR articles (for articles written in Romanian please select your language from right part of webpage)

 Thank you for attention !

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Have a nice day !  


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