
Calcularea CRC-ului pentru standardul SAE-J1850 CRC8

Linus Torvalds on Gittech talk

Mini proiect (3) - Controlul unui panou LCD 16x2 folosind Arduino

The RepRap project

Mini proiect (2) - Controlarea unui motor DC folosind Arduino

RepRap open source 3D printer

Earth - Live streaming video by Ustream

3d-printed prosthesis

NFC - Near field communication


Masina autonoma facuta de Budisteanu Ionut Alexandru

Tradiția încondeiatului ouălor

C embedded questions (4): What is the difference between strings and character arrays?

Fuziunea - energia viitorului

C embedded questions (3): Advantages of a macro over a function

A inceput razboiul dronelor

World's Toughest Job - #worldstoughestjob

C embedded questions (2): What does static variable mean?

C embedded questions (1): What are the differences between malloc() and calloc()?

Proiectul Ara/Phoneblocks prinde contur


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